12 Feb Cornice & Nastro | Shooting
In december 2021 I have realized a shooting in Ceglie Carbonara (Ba) – Italy of these two urban furnitures entitled: “Pensilina Cornice” & “Panca Nastro”; realized in recomposed stone they are a prototype that will be reproducted in many Puglia’s local stations. Design & Engineering by: Prof. Giuseppe Fallacara, Arch. Marco Stigliano, Ing. Michele Masciavè | Models: Alessia & Mimì | A work made in collaborationbetween: Pimar Limestone Srl – Ferrovie del Sud Est – DICAR Politecnico di Bari.
A LINK TO MY WORK HERE: https://www.archilovers.com/projects/303422/pensilina-cornice-panca-nastro.html
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